4, 2021, almost without notice or attention from local media. In stark contrast to a life that made headlines garnering attention throughout the Concho Valley, Ryon passed away quietly on Jan. “Ryon, a former city council member, trailblazer and champion for all things San Angelo, died this month after an 11-day battle with the coronavirus.
11, 2021, the body of Jean Guthrie Ryon was laid to rest at Lawnhaven Memorial Gardens,” Tufts begins before going into a full account of her life.
“On a cold and snowy Monday morning, Jan. 12 under the headline “A trailblazer and champion for San Angelo women: Jean Guthrie Ryon, 97, dies from COVID”: The examples are many, but some stand out, like the woman in this story by John Tufts that ran in the San Angelo Standard-Times on Jan. Farsighted Texans are determined to remember the individuals who died during the coronavirus pandemic.